Ambassad för en utomjordisk civilisation: Raelianer presenterar tidsram för projektet ”ET Embassy"
Internationella Raeliska Rörelsen presenterar nu officiellt tidsplanen för projektet ET Embassy, som lanserades för över 40 år sedan av Rael för att välkomna en framstående utomjordisk civilisation till jorden genom en officiell ambassad.
Daniel Turcotte, Raels assistent för projektet ET Embassy, förklarar:
“Fas 1 av projektet är ett diplomatiskt initiativ som pågått i många år och kulminerade 7 oktober 2016 med vårt förslag till FN:s (dåvarande) generalsekreterare Ban Ki-moon om ett tilläggsprotokoll till Wienkonventionen för diplomatiska relationer. Detta tilläggsprotokoll lägger fram de diplomatiska arrangemangen för utomjordiska ambassader. Vi har även föreslagit en konferens för alla nationer som är intresserade med målsättning att diskutera detta protokoll, som även publicerats på hemsidan”.
Turcotte tillade även att:
”Fas 1 avslutas när två eller fler länder har ratificerat det frivilliga tilläggsprotokollet och vi hoppas det är uppnått år 2019”.
Han fortsatte med att förklara: ”Fas 2 innebär att analysera möjliga områden i de tre bäst lämpade av de länder som skrivit under tilläggsprotokollet och därefter välja den plats vi föredrar. Fas 3 innebär sedan förhandlingar om Internationella Raeliska Rörelsens övertagande av området, tillsammans med alla nödvändiga överenskommelser som gäller infrastruktur till och från området. Varje fas beräknas ta mellan tre och fyra år. Fas 4 består av detaljerad områdesanalys, detaljplanering, arkitektur, ansökningar, kontrakts- och avtalsskrivning, bygge, landskapsomvandling samt juridiskt förordnande så att ambassaden blir fullständigt fungerande och redo att välkomna den utomjordiska civilisationen år 2030”, avslutade Daniel Turcotte
Raelianer tror att den utomjordiska civilisationen, som Turcotte refererar till, skapade allt liv på jorden inklusive människor och att de är väldigt fredliga och betydligt mer framstående än oss, både vetenskapligt och filosofiskt. De kallas Elohim och de kommer inte återvända officiellt till jorden förrän vi välkomnar dem genom en ambassad och garanterar dem rätt diplomatisk status, varefter fred kommer att bestå på vår planet.
Den här veckan kommer tusentals raelianer över hela veckan återigen vara ute på gatorna, hålla konferenser och offentliga föreläsningar för att sprida denna medvetenhet och det hopp om fred det här projektet medför.
För mer information, kontakta sweden©
Evenemang över hela världen :
Daniel Turcotte, Raels assistent för projektet ET Embassy, förklarar:
“Fas 1 av projektet är ett diplomatiskt initiativ som pågått i många år och kulminerade 7 oktober 2016 med vårt förslag till FN:s (dåvarande) generalsekreterare Ban Ki-moon om ett tilläggsprotokoll till Wienkonventionen för diplomatiska relationer. Detta tilläggsprotokoll lägger fram de diplomatiska arrangemangen för utomjordiska ambassader. Vi har även föreslagit en konferens för alla nationer som är intresserade med målsättning att diskutera detta protokoll, som även publicerats på hemsidan”.
Turcotte tillade även att:
”Fas 1 avslutas när två eller fler länder har ratificerat det frivilliga tilläggsprotokollet och vi hoppas det är uppnått år 2019”.
Han fortsatte med att förklara: ”Fas 2 innebär att analysera möjliga områden i de tre bäst lämpade av de länder som skrivit under tilläggsprotokollet och därefter välja den plats vi föredrar. Fas 3 innebär sedan förhandlingar om Internationella Raeliska Rörelsens övertagande av området, tillsammans med alla nödvändiga överenskommelser som gäller infrastruktur till och från området. Varje fas beräknas ta mellan tre och fyra år. Fas 4 består av detaljerad områdesanalys, detaljplanering, arkitektur, ansökningar, kontrakts- och avtalsskrivning, bygge, landskapsomvandling samt juridiskt förordnande så att ambassaden blir fullständigt fungerande och redo att välkomna den utomjordiska civilisationen år 2030”, avslutade Daniel Turcotte
Raelianer tror att den utomjordiska civilisationen, som Turcotte refererar till, skapade allt liv på jorden inklusive människor och att de är väldigt fredliga och betydligt mer framstående än oss, både vetenskapligt och filosofiskt. De kallas Elohim och de kommer inte återvända officiellt till jorden förrän vi välkomnar dem genom en ambassad och garanterar dem rätt diplomatisk status, varefter fred kommer att bestå på vår planet.
Den här veckan kommer tusentals raelianer över hela veckan återigen vara ute på gatorna, hålla konferenser och offentliga föreläsningar för att sprida denna medvetenhet och det hopp om fred det här projektet medför.
För mer information, kontakta sweden©
Evenemang över hela världen :
Rael stöder Anonymous: Uppmanar till skapandet av "en verkligt demokratisk världsregering" för att ersätta FN
I ett uttalande i dag av den internationella Raeliska Rörelsen uttryckte Rael, dess andlige ledare, sitt fulla stöd för gruppen Anonymous och principerna den representerar.
- Bara en världsrevolution kan rädda mänskligheten och Anonymous utgör en bra start, sa han.
Han uppmanade till att det ska skapas "en världsregering i exil" som nästa steg.
- Världen behöver en verkligt demokratisk världsregering, en som inte är som FN, sa han och lade till två faktorer som gör att organisationen inte är demokratisk:
- FN manipuleras av den totalitära regimen USA. Och röster från länder med en mycket liten befolkning, som Schweiz väger lika tungt som Kina, med nästan en fjärdedel av världens befolkning. Antal röster för att välja en världsregering bör stå i proportion till befolkningen.
Rael fördömde också FN:s nuvarande system för beslutsfattande.
- Säkerhetsrådet med dess vetorätt är ett riktigt skämt, en ren dominans av supermakterna. Det har inget att göra med en demokratisk regering, sa han.
Enligt den raeliska filosofin har alla människor på Jorden skapats av andra människor, mycket framstående forskare från en annan planet som kallas Elohim.
- Deras avsikt var att se oss leva lyckliga och fria i paradiset de utformade på jorden, säger Dr Brigitte Boisselier, talesman för Raeliska Rörelsen.
- Denna önskan, som uttrycks och manifesteras av personer i Occupy-rörelsen och gruppen Anonymus, är att leva som våra skapare tänkt. De vill vara fria från terror, utan krig, fria från regeringars slaveri, fria från det misslyckade finansiella systemet, fria från girighet och korruption, fria från medias manipulation, frihet att välja och leva livet till fullo, och frihet att leva i fred. Det är precis vad Rael ut lär och vad Raeliska rörelsen står för!
I ett uttalande i dag av den internationella Raeliska Rörelsen uttryckte Rael, dess andlige ledare, sitt fulla stöd för gruppen Anonymous och principerna den representerar.
- Bara en världsrevolution kan rädda mänskligheten och Anonymous utgör en bra start, sa han.
Han uppmanade till att det ska skapas "en världsregering i exil" som nästa steg.
- Världen behöver en verkligt demokratisk världsregering, en som inte är som FN, sa han och lade till två faktorer som gör att organisationen inte är demokratisk:
- FN manipuleras av den totalitära regimen USA. Och röster från länder med en mycket liten befolkning, som Schweiz väger lika tungt som Kina, med nästan en fjärdedel av världens befolkning. Antal röster för att välja en världsregering bör stå i proportion till befolkningen.
Rael fördömde också FN:s nuvarande system för beslutsfattande.
- Säkerhetsrådet med dess vetorätt är ett riktigt skämt, en ren dominans av supermakterna. Det har inget att göra med en demokratisk regering, sa han.
Enligt den raeliska filosofin har alla människor på Jorden skapats av andra människor, mycket framstående forskare från en annan planet som kallas Elohim.
- Deras avsikt var att se oss leva lyckliga och fria i paradiset de utformade på jorden, säger Dr Brigitte Boisselier, talesman för Raeliska Rörelsen.
- Denna önskan, som uttrycks och manifesteras av personer i Occupy-rörelsen och gruppen Anonymus, är att leva som våra skapare tänkt. De vill vara fria från terror, utan krig, fria från regeringars slaveri, fria från det misslyckade finansiella systemet, fria från girighet och korruption, fria från medias manipulation, frihet att välja och leva livet till fullo, och frihet att leva i fred. Det är precis vad Rael ut lär och vad Raeliska rörelsen står för!
More Raelians demand ‘god-free’ naturalization ceremony
LAS VEGAS, Sept. 10 – In Boston last week, Raelian Guide Dr. Mehran Sam became the latest Raelian to become a U.S. citizen through a “god-free” official ceremony that omitted references to a god and words about taking up arms.
Raelians deny the existence of a personal deity. Instead, they honor the Elohim, extraterrestrial scientists who created all life on Earth, including humans, through advanced genetic engineering. The Raelian philosophy also disapproves of violence and advises young men to become conscientious objectors.
“After 2 years of waiting, with letters back and forth with the USCIS, I finally had my citizenship ceremony done privately in the judge’s office,” Sam said. “Exactly as I requested, my signed oath contained no religious references, and it also omitted the phrase about taking up arms.”
Nor were any such words used by the ceremony’s presiding official.
“I’m very happy and proud as a Raelian, atheist and pacifist to have achieved this god-free ceremony,” Sam said, adding that several other Raelians have also achieved this goal.
Raelian Guide Thomas Kaenzig won his struggle for a god-free U.S. citizenship ceremony in December 2007.
“Alterations to the citizenship oath had been permitted before his quest began, but he was the first to insist upon omitting all religious references from the oath ceremony, including those made by the judge,” Sam said. “All the waiting and extra effort was well worth it for both of us and will also be worth it for any other Raelian who faces this issue. The traditional oath-taking ceremony not only violates our right to live the Raelian philosophy but violates our human rights as well. We must never give up those rights. Government should guarantee freedom of religion but at the same time be free from religion.”
Raelians deny the existence of a personal deity. Instead, they honor the Elohim, extraterrestrial scientists who created all life on Earth, including humans, through advanced genetic engineering. The Raelian philosophy also disapproves of violence and advises young men to become conscientious objectors.
“After 2 years of waiting, with letters back and forth with the USCIS, I finally had my citizenship ceremony done privately in the judge’s office,” Sam said. “Exactly as I requested, my signed oath contained no religious references, and it also omitted the phrase about taking up arms.”
Nor were any such words used by the ceremony’s presiding official.
“I’m very happy and proud as a Raelian, atheist and pacifist to have achieved this god-free ceremony,” Sam said, adding that several other Raelians have also achieved this goal.
Raelian Guide Thomas Kaenzig won his struggle for a god-free U.S. citizenship ceremony in December 2007.
“Alterations to the citizenship oath had been permitted before his quest began, but he was the first to insist upon omitting all religious references from the oath ceremony, including those made by the judge,” Sam said. “All the waiting and extra effort was well worth it for both of us and will also be worth it for any other Raelian who faces this issue. The traditional oath-taking ceremony not only violates our right to live the Raelian philosophy but violates our human rights as well. We must never give up those rights. Government should guarantee freedom of religion but at the same time be free from religion.”
‘GoTopless’ organization accuses media of discriminating against ‘women’s equal topless rights’ in cities where female public toplessness is already legal
LAS VEGAS, Aug. 31 – On Sunday, Aug. 26, numerous reporters and TV crews covered 30 GoTopless events around the world.
GoTopless ( is an international organization fighting for women’s legal rights to go topless wherever men can.
“In certain legally topless cities, including New York City; Asheville, N.C.; Columbia, Mo.; and in two Canadian cities, Toronto and Vancouver, they were faced with a puzzling contradiction,” said GoTopless President Nadine Gary. “They were reporting the right of women to exercise their topless rights, but couldn’t publish photos of legally naked breasts without editing them first. At some of our rallies, the legally topless participants were asked to hide their chests before their pictures were taken.”
“We find this situation outrageous,” Gary said. “Why would the media censor the legal actions of individuals in their communities?”
She said GoTopless strongly denounces such discrimination and demands the end of media censorship in legally topless communities.
“They certainly don’t put black bars over pictures of bare-chested men in New York City or Toronto newspapers,” Gary said. “And we don’t see them blurring men’s bare chests on TV either!"
In cities where female toplessness is legal, women’s bare chests must be treated the same as men’s in local media coverage, according to Gary.
“Where the law is already on our side, media outlets have the duty to reflect the reality of equal topless rights by using uncensored photos and textual references, regardless of what the law stipulates elsewhere,” Gary explained. “Throughout the year, until the next GoTopless Day on August 25, 2013, our organization will continue its relentless campaign to achieve equal topless rights for both genders.”
GoTopless ( is an international organization fighting for women’s legal rights to go topless wherever men can.
“In certain legally topless cities, including New York City; Asheville, N.C.; Columbia, Mo.; and in two Canadian cities, Toronto and Vancouver, they were faced with a puzzling contradiction,” said GoTopless President Nadine Gary. “They were reporting the right of women to exercise their topless rights, but couldn’t publish photos of legally naked breasts without editing them first. At some of our rallies, the legally topless participants were asked to hide their chests before their pictures were taken.”
“We find this situation outrageous,” Gary said. “Why would the media censor the legal actions of individuals in their communities?”
She said GoTopless strongly denounces such discrimination and demands the end of media censorship in legally topless communities.
“They certainly don’t put black bars over pictures of bare-chested men in New York City or Toronto newspapers,” Gary said. “And we don’t see them blurring men’s bare chests on TV either!"
In cities where female toplessness is legal, women’s bare chests must be treated the same as men’s in local media coverage, according to Gary.
“Where the law is already on our side, media outlets have the duty to reflect the reality of equal topless rights by using uncensored photos and textual references, regardless of what the law stipulates elsewhere,” Gary explained. “Throughout the year, until the next GoTopless Day on August 25, 2013, our organization will continue its relentless campaign to achieve equal topless rights for both genders.”
Rael applauds three-person civil union in Brazil
LAS VEGAS, Aug. 31 – Rael, spiritual leader of the Raelian Movement, today expressed his full support for a public notary in the Brazilian state of Sao Paulo who accepted a civil union between three people.
“People should be free to create a family of as many individuals as they wish, and of any sex,” Rael said in a statement released today by the International Raelian Movement (IRM). “The taboos of primitive, obsolete religions must not try to dictate how people should live their private lives.”
According to the Brazilian press, the notary, Claudia do Nascimento Dominguez, said the man and two women who applied for the civil union were entitled to family rights because the idea of what constitutes a family has changed.
“She echoed the position of Raelian philosophy, which opposes traditional religious dogma,” said Brigitte Boisselier, IRM spokesperson.
She added that this is another promising development in Brazil, which has recently adopted more liberal social policies.
“For example, in 2011, Brazil’s Supreme Court ruled that gay couples in what it called ‘stable partnerships’ should be given the same financial and social rights enjoyed by those in heterosexual relationships,” Boisselier said. “This year, Brazilian Raelians are expressing their support for Dominguez as well as their hope that the Brazilian legal system won’t yield to the omnipresent pressure of Catholicism.”
“People should be free to create a family of as many individuals as they wish, and of any sex,” Rael said in a statement released today by the International Raelian Movement (IRM). “The taboos of primitive, obsolete religions must not try to dictate how people should live their private lives.”
According to the Brazilian press, the notary, Claudia do Nascimento Dominguez, said the man and two women who applied for the civil union were entitled to family rights because the idea of what constitutes a family has changed.
“She echoed the position of Raelian philosophy, which opposes traditional religious dogma,” said Brigitte Boisselier, IRM spokesperson.
She added that this is another promising development in Brazil, which has recently adopted more liberal social policies.
“For example, in 2011, Brazil’s Supreme Court ruled that gay couples in what it called ‘stable partnerships’ should be given the same financial and social rights enjoyed by those in heterosexual relationships,” Boisselier said. “This year, Brazilian Raelians are expressing their support for Dominguez as well as their hope that the Brazilian legal system won’t yield to the omnipresent pressure of Catholicism.”
International organization GoTopless to stage protests in 30 cities worldwide on Aug. 26
LAS VEGAS, Aug. 25 - GoTopless announced today that its August 26 protests will take place in 30 cities worldwide, a marked improvement over last year.
But as GoTopless enters its 5th year of protests demanding women’s rights to go publicly topless, discrimination against bare-chested women continues worldwide.
“Despite our recent victory in Toronto, where our annual protest has just been officially welcomed after being forbidden last year, we still have much ground to cover before being granted our constitutional right to go bare-chested wherever men can,” said GoTopless President Nadine Gary. “Even with laws ensuring gender equality, women are still being arrested for going topless. The governments of the United States, Israel, France, the United Kingdom and Australia all supposedly guarantee gender equal rights. But Gotopless women have been clearly told they’re not free to go topless like men can, and that if they do, they will be fined and/or imprisoned.”
Calling this discrepancy “a blatant double standard,” Gary gave examples.
“In Tel Aviv, authorities told GoTopless leader Sharon Aziza this week that although Israeli law is vague about topless rights, female protesters must wear full bikini tops or face arrest,” Gary said. “Well, what about the men? Israel passed a Gender Equal Rights law in 1951!”
She said female demonstrators in Los Angeles, Chicago, Miami, London, Paris, Puebla, Mexico; Cartagena, Colombia; and elsewhere face arrest if they fail to wear tops at the August 26 event.
“It’s appalling that even female officials like the mayor of Asheville, North Carolina, are supporting the men who oppose topless gender equality!" she said. “They got where they are through gender equality. How can they deny that hard-earned right to other women?”
Gary said that many people call the public exposure of female breasts “a degradation” or “a humiliation of the women body.”
“Only a perverted mindset thinks that exposing a female breast is more humiliating than exposing a male breast,” she said. “Female breasts are as beautiful as men’s and they likewise come in all sizes. The only degradation that will be observed in the streets on August 26 is the degradation of male domination!”
GoTopless is determined to achieve topless equal rights worldwide.
“Gender equality is a basic human right!” Gary said.
But as GoTopless enters its 5th year of protests demanding women’s rights to go publicly topless, discrimination against bare-chested women continues worldwide.
“Despite our recent victory in Toronto, where our annual protest has just been officially welcomed after being forbidden last year, we still have much ground to cover before being granted our constitutional right to go bare-chested wherever men can,” said GoTopless President Nadine Gary. “Even with laws ensuring gender equality, women are still being arrested for going topless. The governments of the United States, Israel, France, the United Kingdom and Australia all supposedly guarantee gender equal rights. But Gotopless women have been clearly told they’re not free to go topless like men can, and that if they do, they will be fined and/or imprisoned.”
Calling this discrepancy “a blatant double standard,” Gary gave examples.
“In Tel Aviv, authorities told GoTopless leader Sharon Aziza this week that although Israeli law is vague about topless rights, female protesters must wear full bikini tops or face arrest,” Gary said. “Well, what about the men? Israel passed a Gender Equal Rights law in 1951!”
She said female demonstrators in Los Angeles, Chicago, Miami, London, Paris, Puebla, Mexico; Cartagena, Colombia; and elsewhere face arrest if they fail to wear tops at the August 26 event.
“It’s appalling that even female officials like the mayor of Asheville, North Carolina, are supporting the men who oppose topless gender equality!" she said. “They got where they are through gender equality. How can they deny that hard-earned right to other women?”
Gary said that many people call the public exposure of female breasts “a degradation” or “a humiliation of the women body.”
“Only a perverted mindset thinks that exposing a female breast is more humiliating than exposing a male breast,” she said. “Female breasts are as beautiful as men’s and they likewise come in all sizes. The only degradation that will be observed in the streets on August 26 is the degradation of male domination!”
GoTopless is determined to achieve topless equal rights worldwide.
“Gender equality is a basic human right!” Gary said.
GoTopless celebrates its victory for equal topless rights in TORONTO's parks and beaches!
TORONTO, Aug. 23 - The women's topless rights organization GoTopless has finally compelled the city of Toronto to revise its municipal code which discriminated against women's topless rights in its parks and on its beaches.
"We are thrilled with this victory!" declared Sylvie Chabot, the head of GoTopless in Canada and woman priest in the Raelian Movement ( "Thanks to the amendment to the Toronto city code, at last, women are truly free to exercise their topless rights anywhere they want in the province of Ontario!"
In June of 2011, the city of Toronto had refused to issue a permit to GoTopless for their topless event at the Ashbrigdes Bay Park because the presence of bare-breasted women at the planned event violated a Parks Bylaw 608 clause calling for 'appropriate bathing attire'.
GoTopless had written a letter of complaint to Ms. Shakir Director, Office of Equity, Diversity & Human Rights to report this case as gender discrimination. Indeed, women's bare chests were considered "inappropriate bathing attire" but not the men's.
"Last week, GoTopless received a letter from Ms. Shakir, letting us know that Mr. Mark Lawson, Manager of Customer Service for the Parks, Forestry and Recreation Division had been consulted regarding our last year's denial of permit and that section 608 of the Municipal Code had been reviewed/amended" explained Chabot.
Mr. Lawson also confirmed to the National Post that the decision not to allow them to have a permit may be seen as discriminatory based on gender.
"This crucial change in the city code will no doubt appease women and help them gather the courage to exercise their topless right knowing they won't be fined or arrested" Ms. Chabot commented.
"Now that the law is on their side, women have to realize that exposing their breasts is not an indecent act, not any more than a man showing his chest" reminds Ms. Chabot. "They need to remember that men were also forced to hide their chest in public 80 years ago as their chest was also considered indecent at that time. Men too had to fight for their topless rights!"
Symbolically, before the march there will be few festivities at Ashbrigdes Bay Park where women are invited to experience, maybe for the first time, the liberating feeling of being topless in public and legally free to do so! Those who are uncomfortable to go topless are most welcome to join as well.
The celebration march will take place this Sunday August 26 starting at 1:00 PM at Kew Beach Avenue and Lakeshore Blvd. East (just south of Queen Street East) !
"We are thrilled with this victory!" declared Sylvie Chabot, the head of GoTopless in Canada and woman priest in the Raelian Movement ( "Thanks to the amendment to the Toronto city code, at last, women are truly free to exercise their topless rights anywhere they want in the province of Ontario!"
In June of 2011, the city of Toronto had refused to issue a permit to GoTopless for their topless event at the Ashbrigdes Bay Park because the presence of bare-breasted women at the planned event violated a Parks Bylaw 608 clause calling for 'appropriate bathing attire'.
GoTopless had written a letter of complaint to Ms. Shakir Director, Office of Equity, Diversity & Human Rights to report this case as gender discrimination. Indeed, women's bare chests were considered "inappropriate bathing attire" but not the men's.
"Last week, GoTopless received a letter from Ms. Shakir, letting us know that Mr. Mark Lawson, Manager of Customer Service for the Parks, Forestry and Recreation Division had been consulted regarding our last year's denial of permit and that section 608 of the Municipal Code had been reviewed/amended" explained Chabot.
Mr. Lawson also confirmed to the National Post that the decision not to allow them to have a permit may be seen as discriminatory based on gender.
"This crucial change in the city code will no doubt appease women and help them gather the courage to exercise their topless right knowing they won't be fined or arrested" Ms. Chabot commented.
"Now that the law is on their side, women have to realize that exposing their breasts is not an indecent act, not any more than a man showing his chest" reminds Ms. Chabot. "They need to remember that men were also forced to hide their chest in public 80 years ago as their chest was also considered indecent at that time. Men too had to fight for their topless rights!"
Symbolically, before the march there will be few festivities at Ashbrigdes Bay Park where women are invited to experience, maybe for the first time, the liberating feeling of being topless in public and legally free to do so! Those who are uncomfortable to go topless are most welcome to join as well.
The celebration march will take place this Sunday August 26 starting at 1:00 PM at Kew Beach Avenue and Lakeshore Blvd. East (just south of Queen Street East) !
Women’s rights organization GoTopless alleges discrimination by Google Adsense
LAS VEGAS, Aug. 22 – Google Adsense, a program that pays third parties for displaying Google ads on their Web sites, is open to all comers.
“That is, unless Google makes an arbitrary decision that an applicant’s online content violates its terms,” said Nadine Gary, president of U.S.-based GoTopless. She said GoTopless is fighting for women’s rights to go publicly topless wherever men have the right to do so, on the basis of gender equality as guaranteed by the 14th Amendment.
“We tried to set up Adsense for our organization’s Web site [], but Google rejected us,” Gary said. “Their representative said we’re displaying adult content, and that a Web site with illustrations or text unsuitable for young children is generally banned from participating in the Adsense program.”
But GoTopless’s Web site content is no more unsuitable for young children than the images and words they already see elsewhere in our society, according to Gary.
“Google is discriminating against us for displaying things children already see in places where female public toplessness is legal,” she explained. “Since 1992, women can legally go topless in New York State, as just one example. That means children already see women’s breasts in New York City streets and in many other places. Shame on Google for being behind the times and hindering an important women’s rights cause, which is also a civil rights cause!”
Gary said that although many GoTopless demonstrations are already scheduled in a number of U.S. cities for this coming Sunday, August 26, her organization may opt to add another location to protest Google’s decision.
“We picked August 26 so that our events will coincide with Women’s Equality Day, which commemorates Aug. 26, 1920, the day American women obtained the right to vote,” she explained. “But rigid Puritanism is clearly so pervasive in our society that it seems to have affected even companies that were once considered cutting-edge for their liberal orientation. Accordingly, although it’s short notice, we may add a GoTopless protest outside Google’s headquarters in Mountain View, California, to protest their discriminatory exclusion of our organization from Adsense.”
For a complete list of cities holding a Gotopless protest this Sunday, see
“That is, unless Google makes an arbitrary decision that an applicant’s online content violates its terms,” said Nadine Gary, president of U.S.-based GoTopless. She said GoTopless is fighting for women’s rights to go publicly topless wherever men have the right to do so, on the basis of gender equality as guaranteed by the 14th Amendment.
“We tried to set up Adsense for our organization’s Web site [], but Google rejected us,” Gary said. “Their representative said we’re displaying adult content, and that a Web site with illustrations or text unsuitable for young children is generally banned from participating in the Adsense program.”
But GoTopless’s Web site content is no more unsuitable for young children than the images and words they already see elsewhere in our society, according to Gary.
“Google is discriminating against us for displaying things children already see in places where female public toplessness is legal,” she explained. “Since 1992, women can legally go topless in New York State, as just one example. That means children already see women’s breasts in New York City streets and in many other places. Shame on Google for being behind the times and hindering an important women’s rights cause, which is also a civil rights cause!”
Gary said that although many GoTopless demonstrations are already scheduled in a number of U.S. cities for this coming Sunday, August 26, her organization may opt to add another location to protest Google’s decision.
“We picked August 26 so that our events will coincide with Women’s Equality Day, which commemorates Aug. 26, 1920, the day American women obtained the right to vote,” she explained. “But rigid Puritanism is clearly so pervasive in our society that it seems to have affected even companies that were once considered cutting-edge for their liberal orientation. Accordingly, although it’s short notice, we may add a GoTopless protest outside Google’s headquarters in Mountain View, California, to protest their discriminatory exclusion of our organization from Adsense.”
For a complete list of cities holding a Gotopless protest this Sunday, see
GoTopless invites Femen to take part in Paris demonstration
PARIS, Aug. 19 - “In Paris, as in Kiev, women’s rights are being violated because men can go bare-chested in public while women cannot,” said Nadine Gary, president of GoTopless (, an international organization striving to obtain women’s rights to go topless in public anywhere men can.
Gary said said GoTopless is inviting the women of Femen, an Ukranian women’s rights organization, to take part in a GoTopless demonstration in Paris on August 26, anniversary of the original Declaration of Human Rights (Aug. 26, 1789).
“By criminalizing female top-lessness, the city of Paris is clearly violating the principles of gender equality laid out in that historical document,” Gary said in a statement released by GoTopless this morning. “In Paris, it’s against the law for a woman to bare her breasts in public. Yet this is a simple matter of gender equality guaranteed by the French Constitution.”
Gary said the founder of GoTopless has made his position clear.
“If men expose their bare chests in public, then, constitutionally speaking, women should have that same right,” said Rael, founder of GoTopless and leader of the International Raelian Movement, in a recent statement based on one of his speeches. “If women don’t have that right, then we must also force men to cover their chests in public.”
Accordingly, Maryline Canin, Gotopless coordinator for France, is asking Femen members to support GoTopless by joining in the Paris demonstration on August 26.
“The courage and indignation shown by Femen in the face of injustice against women is an example for us!” Canin said. We invite Femen to take part in our Paris demonstration to denounce discriminatory acts committed by the French capital, just as they helped demand the right to abortion from the top of the cathedral in Kiev!”
Canin said French GoTopless women were victims of abuse by the authorities during the peaceful GoTopless demonstration held in Paris last year.
“Parisian police officers surrounded them while they were still fully clothed and hadn’t even arrived at the place where the demonstration was to start,” Canin explained. “They were then taken to the police station and detained there for hours on no grounds at all. As a result, they were effectively kept from taking part in the demonstration. Meanwhile, the men who were present when the women were arrested were free to continue the march.”
[See: ]
Canin said complaints for illegal detention, discrimination and failing to respect the freedom to demonstrate have been filed against the city and are currently under review.
“The real reason for these random arrests, which was not revealed at the outset, was certainly the programmed route’s proximity to Notre Dame Cathedral,” Canin said.
”Under no circumstances should the French Constitution be swayed by subjective morality, much less by religion! Therefore, the police authorities have no right to abide by such a decree and we will make sure they know about it when they surround us again this year!”
Canin said French authorities have lost sight of the principles on which their iconic documents were based.
“Marianne, the symbolic figure associated to the French republican motto “liberty, equality, fraternity,” is often shown bare-breasted,” Canin pointed out. “Her nudity is the very expression of liberty and equality, so will they soon cover Marianne as well?”
She said the time to emphasize gender equality rights for women is long overdue.
“The tribute to August 26, 1789, is an ideal opportunity to finally liberate female bodies and minds from Catholic indoctrination and affirm equal rights,” Canin said. “A woman who is proud of her body and her nudity is a free woman.”
Canin said August 26 GoTopless Day events are also planned for London, Geneva and Amsterdam.
Gary said said GoTopless is inviting the women of Femen, an Ukranian women’s rights organization, to take part in a GoTopless demonstration in Paris on August 26, anniversary of the original Declaration of Human Rights (Aug. 26, 1789).
“By criminalizing female top-lessness, the city of Paris is clearly violating the principles of gender equality laid out in that historical document,” Gary said in a statement released by GoTopless this morning. “In Paris, it’s against the law for a woman to bare her breasts in public. Yet this is a simple matter of gender equality guaranteed by the French Constitution.”
Gary said the founder of GoTopless has made his position clear.
“If men expose their bare chests in public, then, constitutionally speaking, women should have that same right,” said Rael, founder of GoTopless and leader of the International Raelian Movement, in a recent statement based on one of his speeches. “If women don’t have that right, then we must also force men to cover their chests in public.”
Accordingly, Maryline Canin, Gotopless coordinator for France, is asking Femen members to support GoTopless by joining in the Paris demonstration on August 26.
“The courage and indignation shown by Femen in the face of injustice against women is an example for us!” Canin said. We invite Femen to take part in our Paris demonstration to denounce discriminatory acts committed by the French capital, just as they helped demand the right to abortion from the top of the cathedral in Kiev!”
Canin said French GoTopless women were victims of abuse by the authorities during the peaceful GoTopless demonstration held in Paris last year.
“Parisian police officers surrounded them while they were still fully clothed and hadn’t even arrived at the place where the demonstration was to start,” Canin explained. “They were then taken to the police station and detained there for hours on no grounds at all. As a result, they were effectively kept from taking part in the demonstration. Meanwhile, the men who were present when the women were arrested were free to continue the march.”
[See: ]
Canin said complaints for illegal detention, discrimination and failing to respect the freedom to demonstrate have been filed against the city and are currently under review.
“The real reason for these random arrests, which was not revealed at the outset, was certainly the programmed route’s proximity to Notre Dame Cathedral,” Canin said.
”Under no circumstances should the French Constitution be swayed by subjective morality, much less by religion! Therefore, the police authorities have no right to abide by such a decree and we will make sure they know about it when they surround us again this year!”
Canin said French authorities have lost sight of the principles on which their iconic documents were based.
“Marianne, the symbolic figure associated to the French republican motto “liberty, equality, fraternity,” is often shown bare-breasted,” Canin pointed out. “Her nudity is the very expression of liberty and equality, so will they soon cover Marianne as well?”
She said the time to emphasize gender equality rights for women is long overdue.
“The tribute to August 26, 1789, is an ideal opportunity to finally liberate female bodies and minds from Catholic indoctrination and affirm equal rights,” Canin said. “A woman who is proud of her body and her nudity is a free woman.”
Canin said August 26 GoTopless Day events are also planned for London, Geneva and Amsterdam.
GoTopless petitions Obama administration to uphold women’s topless rights under the Constitution
LAS VEGAS, Aug. 15 – GoTopless, a U.S.-based organization dedicated to attaining women’s rights to go bare-chested, today announced that it is petitioning the Obama administration to have that right recognized nationally. The petition has been launched this week ahead of International GoTopless Day, August 26, a date chosen to coincide with Women’s Equality Day, which commemorates the attainment of women’s voting rights on Aug. 26, 1920.
GoTopless is also writing directly to President Obama to obtain his support.*
“Any state or local law making it illegal for a woman to go topless is unconstitutional, but most people don’t know that,” said GoTopless President Nadine Gary. “That’s why we’re taking the issue of topless rights to the top by demanding the president’s attention to this issue. A woman’s right to go topless falls under the 14th Amendment’s gender equality provision, and nobody knows that better than President Obama. He taught constitutional law.”
The GoTopless petition is posted on the White House website.**
“We urge people nationwide to sign it,” Gary said. “We need 25,000 signatures to meet our goal.”
She added that topless rights are now where men’s were a century ago.
“People forget it wasn’t acceptable for men to bare their chests until 1933,” Gary said. “Even men’s bathing suits had to include a top. Clark Gable exposed his chest in the 1934 movie ‘It Happened One Night,’ and it caused a national scandal. Today, nobody thinks a thing of it when a man takes his shirt off. Now it’s women’s turn.”
Gary said GoTopless was founded in 2007 by Rael, spiritual leader of the International Raelian Movement, after he heard of a New York City case in which a woman arrested for going topless sued for wrongful arrest and won significant damages.
“Her right was upheld but it shouldn’t have been necessary for her to prove it,” Gary commented. “New York has been a legally topless state for women since 1992, but frequently the police either don’t know the law or ignore it to appease religious zealots.”
Top-down, rigid morality codes of mainstream religions are the primary source of topless inequality directed against women, and mustn’t be allowed to override the Constitution, according to GoTopless.
“The Constitution is very clear about separation of church and state,” Gary said.
GoTopless is also writing directly to President Obama to obtain his support.*
“Any state or local law making it illegal for a woman to go topless is unconstitutional, but most people don’t know that,” said GoTopless President Nadine Gary. “That’s why we’re taking the issue of topless rights to the top by demanding the president’s attention to this issue. A woman’s right to go topless falls under the 14th Amendment’s gender equality provision, and nobody knows that better than President Obama. He taught constitutional law.”
The GoTopless petition is posted on the White House website.**
“We urge people nationwide to sign it,” Gary said. “We need 25,000 signatures to meet our goal.”
She added that topless rights are now where men’s were a century ago.
“People forget it wasn’t acceptable for men to bare their chests until 1933,” Gary said. “Even men’s bathing suits had to include a top. Clark Gable exposed his chest in the 1934 movie ‘It Happened One Night,’ and it caused a national scandal. Today, nobody thinks a thing of it when a man takes his shirt off. Now it’s women’s turn.”
Gary said GoTopless was founded in 2007 by Rael, spiritual leader of the International Raelian Movement, after he heard of a New York City case in which a woman arrested for going topless sued for wrongful arrest and won significant damages.
“Her right was upheld but it shouldn’t have been necessary for her to prove it,” Gary commented. “New York has been a legally topless state for women since 1992, but frequently the police either don’t know the law or ignore it to appease religious zealots.”
Top-down, rigid morality codes of mainstream religions are the primary source of topless inequality directed against women, and mustn’t be allowed to override the Constitution, according to GoTopless.
“The Constitution is very clear about separation of church and state,” Gary said.
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